Name James WILSON
Country Of Origin
Born 1850
Died 1925
Birth/ Baptism Born approx. 1850
Parents William and Harriet Wilson (formerly Payne)
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
64 Liverpool Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 1877, Victoria, to Sarah Ann Wise
Arrival Approx. 1881
Other The Mercury (Hobart) 3 December 1881:
‘Gigantic Sale of Watches, Clocks and Jewellery. –
James Wilson, late of Melbourne, successor to T B Way, 64 Liverpool Street. James Wilson, Manufacturing Watchmaker and Jeweller, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Hobart and the public generally, that he has purchased the business from T B Way, together with the whole of the stock, all of which must be sold to make room for new shipments, regardless of cost. Watches by all the best English and foreign makers always in stock, etc. Waltham Watches from £3 10s, warranted for 2 years. A written guarantee for 12 months with every watch and clock repaired on the premises.’ 

March 1885: Sold the business to Tasmanian Goldsmith’s Company.

From approx. early 1890s: Watchmaker, Kerang, Victoria.

Death 10 October 1925, Kerang, Victoria
Web: Ancestry: Australia Marriage Index 1877; Australia & New Zealand, Find a Grave Index 1925.
The Mercury (Hobart) 17 April 1885; The Examiner (Launceston) 17 August 1882; The Argus 18 October 1924.