Name Thomas WALKER
Country Of Origin England
Born 1817
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1817, Dalton, Lancashire, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watch Finisher
Work Locations No record found working in his trade in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
Trial 6 July 1835, Liverpool Borough Sessions, Lancashire
Sentence Seven years transportation for stealing nine pairs of shoes, two pairs of boots, and a book
Arrival 21 February 1836 on the convict ship, Asia (4)
Police Number 2095
Convict Assignment Approx. 1838-1840: Launceston and George Town
Ticket of Leave 27 May 1840
Conditional Pardon
Other On arrival: Recorded as a labourer and Watch Finisher of three years.

1842: Certificate of Freedom

1861 England Census: A Thomas Walker, a 43-year-old watchmaker, was recorded with his 52-year-old brother John Walker, also a watchmaker.

Death Possibly in Lancashire, England
TAHO: CON31/1/47, CON18/1/4, CON27/1/2, RGD34/1/1 no4485 Death 1836 [John Wilson].
Web: Founders & Survivors convict database; Ancestry: 1861 England Census.
The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen’s Land Gazette 5 June 1840.