Name Henry TAYLOR
Country Of Origin England
Born 1803
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1803, Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Parents John Taylor (clockmaker and watchmaker)
Apprenticeship With his father
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations No record found working in his trade in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
Trial 26 July 1823, Summer Assizes, Coventry, Warwickshire
Sentence Death sentence commuted to transportation for life for horse stealing
Arrival 27 July 1824 on the convict ship, Chapman (1)
Police Number 290
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave
Conditional Pardon
Other 1824: Recorded as a watchmaker of six years.

October 1825: Absent from his work gang and punished with 25 lashes.

July 1826: Sent to labour in a chain gang for six months for attempting to swindle by handing over a forged order.

13 November 1830: On the Police Office absconders list in The Hobart Town Courier, ‘absconded from chain gang Hobart Town in June 1827.’

December 1853: Noted on convict record ‘struck off records.’

Death unknown
TAHO: CON31/1/42, CON23/1/3, CON34/1/1, CON14/2/5.
Web: Ancestry: England & Wales Criminal Registers 1823; Founders & Survivors convict database.