TAYLOR Clifford Oliver

Name Clifford Oliver TAYLOR
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1921
Died 2000
Birth/ Baptism Born 1 August 1921, 13 Canning Street, Launceston
Parents Archibald James and Ella Taylor (formerly Powell)
Apprenticeship Reginald Powell (uncle), Brisbane Street, Launceston
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
59 Brisbane Street, Launceston
Centreway Arcade, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 5 April 1947, St John’s Church, Launceston, to Winifred Florence Lockwood
Other First employer: Tasmanian Railways, porter at Lilydale Station, then telegraph operator.

25 May 1942-22 January 1946: World War II service, Royal Australian Air Force, wireless operator, and morse code teacher.

After returning from the war, Cliff undertook a jewellery and watchmaking apprenticeship with his uncle, Reginald Powell.

1964: Opened his own business, Taylors Jewellers, following Reg Powell’s death.

Horology Guild of Australasia, Tasmanian branch: Member, Assistant Secretary, and Tasmanian reporter and writer for The Australian Watchmaker magazine.

1985: Retired. The business was sold to J N Piper and Sons.

Death 5 November 2000, Launceston
The Australian Watchmaker, September 1962.
TAHO: RGD33/2/5 no1878 Birth 1921.
Web: Ancestry: National Archives of Australia, World War II Military Service Record, Service No. 31771; City of Launceston, Carr Villa Cemetery 2000.
The Examiner (Launceston) 4 June 1942, 7 April 1947, 19 May 1948, 25 October 1951, 5 March 1952, 14 November 2000.