Name Judah SOLOMON
Country Of Origin England
Born 1781
Died 1856
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1781, London, England
Parents Abraham Solomon
Skills General Store Owner, Dealer
Work Locations Hobart, Launceston, Evandale
Street Address
Corner Liverpool and Argyle Streets, Hobart
Cameron Street, Launceston
Charles Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse Esther Solomon, England
Trial 2 August 1819, Kent Quarter Assizes
Sentence Death sentence commuted to transportation for life for being accessories and organising a burglary.
Arrival January 1820, Sydney, New South Wales, on the Prince Regent.
March 1820, Van Diemen’s Land, on the Castle Forbes.
Police Number 216
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave Approx. 1826
Conditional Pardon 24 February 1832
Other Brother: Joseph Solomon.

Approx. 1821-1839: Business partnership J & J Solomon, Storekeepers, advertised watch repairs.

By 1832: Advertising in Launceston.

March 1839: End of partnership.
1841: Partnership officially dissolved.

Death 18 February 1856, Hobart
TAHO: RGD35/1/5 no631 Death 1856.
John Levi, These are the Names: Jewish Lives in Australia 1788-1850, 2013, pp.742-4.
Web: Australian Dictionary of Biography,
Star (London) 18 August 1819 (British Newspaper Archive); Hobart Town Gazette & Van Diemen’s Land Advertiser 17 March 1821, 23 March 1822; Colonial Times 25 January 1828; The Tasmanian 2 July 1830, 19 October 1832; Launceston Advertiser 10 July 1832, 21 July 1836, 17 November 1836, 8 December 1836; Hobart Town Courier 22 March 1839; Cornwall Chronicle 26 October 1839.