SNELLING James Morris

Name James Morris SNELLING
Country Of Origin England
Born 1830
Died 1903
Birth/ Baptism Born approx. 1830, Newton Abbot, Devon, England
Parents James Snelling (watchmaker, jeweller)
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
Corner of St John and York Streets
Charles Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse About 1856, Launceston, to Ann Palmer Corbin
Arrival By approx. 1854, Australia.
Other 1851: Assistant watchmaker and jeweller, Devon, England.

November 1854: Commenced business partnership with Gustavus Boudry watchmaker, Launceston, corner of St John and York Streets.
By September 1855: Own business, Charles Street, Launceston.

By 1860s: Relocated to Victoria and worked in his trade in Melbourne, Wangaratta, and Benalla.

Member: Melbourne Philharmonic Society, violinist.

Employer: Eleven years with Gaunt and Co, Melbourne.

According to his obituary, James used to tell the story of how he set out to earn a living as a musician when he was a boy and his father, in the company ‘of a juvenile companion, overtook him while playing on the road to Plymouth and drove him to the watch making trade.’

Death 4 November 1903, Beechworth, Victoria
Brian Loomes, Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, Complete 21st Century Edition, 2006, pp724, 725.
Web: Ancestry: 1841, 1851 England Census; Melbourne Directory (Sands) Victoria 1860; Births Deaths Marriages Victoria 12236/1903.
The Examiner (Launceston) 7 November 1854, 8 September 1855; Ovens & Murray Advertiser 7 November 1903.