SMITH William

Name William SMITH
Country Of Origin England
Born 1774
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1774, Cripplegate, London, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
Trial 3 December 1829, London, England
Sentence Seven years transportation for stealing two pewter quarts pots, the value of one shilling.
Arrival 18 December 1830 on the convict ship, Clyde
Police Number 1254
Convict Assignment On arrival: David Barclay, Hobart watchmaker
Ticket of Leave By 1835
Conditional Pardon
Other 1830: On arrival, William was recorded as a 56-year-old widower with four children and having had a paralytic stroke that affected his whole body.

Other skills recorded: Boatman, waterman.

July 1836: Hard labour for 12 months for ‘making away with three watches entrusted to his charge, the value of nine pounds.’

The last entry on William’s convict conduct record:
‘13 November 1863 Hobart: Fraudulently converting certain property of which he was the bailee. Six months imprisonment with hard labour.’
He would have been in his late 80s by this time.

Death unknown
TAHO: CON31/1/39, CON23/1/3, CON27/1/4.
Web: Old Bailey Online, 3 December 1829, Ref. t18291203-132; Founders & Survivors convict database.