Name John SAVILL
Country Of Origin England
Born 1821
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1821, London, England
Parents Mother, Mary, Peerless Row, City Road, London (1842)
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker, Watch Pinion Maker
Work Locations No record found working in his trade in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
Trial 4 April 1842, Central Criminal Court, London
Sentence Ten years transportation for breaking and entering with the intent to steal
Arrival 24 November 1842 on the convict ship, Emily (1)
Police Number 7471
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave 18 January 1848
Conditional Pardon 19 February 1850
Other 1842: John stated he resided at 8 Peerless Row, City Road, London, but when the police visited the property, his brother claimed John had not lived there for seven years and was not a watch pinion maker.

Convict assignment locations: Westbury, Fingal, Launceston.

Death unknown
TAHO: CON33/1/31, CON18/1/34, CON14/1/7, CON28/1/1.
Web: Old Bailey Online, Ref. t18420404-1141 4 April 1842; Founders and Survivors convict database.
The Examiner (Launceston) 22 January 1848; Britannia & Trades’ Advocate 21 February 1850.