SARGEANT Edwin Ernest

Name Edwin Ernest SARGEANT
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1863
Died 1950
Birth/ Baptism Born 27 October 1863, Hobart
Parents Daniel (pawnbroker) and Sarah Sargeant (formerly Cooke)
Apprenticeship From 1878: William Golding
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
74 Murray Street, Hobart
97 Elizabeth Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 15 March 1884, St Andrew’s Manse, Hobart, to Florence Malvina Dart (sister of John Dart, watchmaker).
Other Approx. late 1880s: Workshop foreman, Goldings.
July 1887: Golding’s advertised a watch and jewellery cash sale at Latrobe with Edwin E Sargeant as their representative.February 1889: Edwin Sargeant and Percival Charles Abbott purchased the watchmaker, jeweller, and optician business from the estate of Charles Abbott. Abbott and Sargeant continued to trade at 74 Murray Street, Hobart.
1 April 1893: Dissolution of partnership by mutual consent.

1893-1895: Own business, 97 Elizabeth Street, Hobart. Advertised repairs as his speciality.

September 1895: An auction was advertised to sell the whole of Edwin’s stock due to him departing the colony.

Moved to New South Wales.

Death 14 July 1950, at his residence, 36 Kemp Street, Gladesville, New South Wales
TAHO: RGD33/1/8 no6474 Birth 1863, RGD37/1/43 no381 Marriage 1884.
Web: Index Thomas Sheehy, xs,1878; RI, Death 1950.
The Mercury (Hobart) 4 February 1887, 16 February 1889, 22 July 1895, 9 September 1895; North Western Chronicle 27 July 1887; The Clipper 17 June 1893, Tasmanian News 1 April 1893, 22 December 1893; Sydney Morning Herald 15 July 1950.