PIPER John Burnett

Name John Burnett PIPER
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1926
Died 2018
Birth/Baptism Born 21 June 1926, Launceston
Parents Julius Norman and Ada Letitia Isabelle Piper (formerly Scott)
Apprenticeship With his father
Skills Jeweller, Hand Engraver
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
6 The Quadrant, Launceston
St John Street, Launceston
Centreway Arcade, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 7 August 1948, Margaret St Church of Christ, Launceston, to Jean Hilda Allen
Other 1944: Enlisted for service in World War II

John Burnett and his brother Alister Graeme worked in the family business, which they inherited following their father’s death in 1960.

SEE Pipers Jewellers, J N Piper and Sons

Death 15 November 2018, Launceston
Piper Family Collection.
Web: Ancestry: Australia Electoral Rolls 1949, 1954, 1972.

National Archives of Australia, Australia World War II Military Service Record, Series A6770, Service No. H2722.
Carr Villa Cemetery record 2018.
The Examiner (Launceston) 9 August 1948.