Name | Moses PHILLIPS |
Country Of Origin | England |
Born | 1783 |
Died | 1862 |
Birth/Baptism | Born approx. 1783, London, England |
Parents | Hart (jeweller) and Sarah Phillips |
Apprenticeship | unknown |
Skills | Watchmaker |
Work Locations | Launceston |
Street Address |
Corner Brisbane and Charles Streets, Launceston |
Marriage/Spouse | Wife in England.
16 July 1823, St David’s Church, Hobart, to Mary Ann Griffin (formerly Higgs). |
Trial | 3 August 1820, Surrey Summer Assizes |
Sentence | Death sentence commuted to transportation for life for housebreaking and burglary |
Arrival | 13 March 1821 on the convict ship, Medway (1) |
Police Number | 157 |
Ticket of Leave | October 1828, Hobart Town District |
Conditional Pardon | 21 November 1836 December 1849: Conditional pardon extended with the condition of not returning to the country of conviction or the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Ireland during the remainder of the sentence. |
Other | Other occupations: baker, leather goods and shoe repairer, licensed hawker, carrier, and farrier.
Early 1828: Hobart baking and biscuit partnership with Joseph Withers dissolved. 18 October 1828: Recorded as residing in Launceston. March 1830: Advertised commencing work as a watchmaker in Launceston with applications at Mr Henry Davis’s, publican, White Conduit House. According to John S Levi in These Are the Names, Jewish Lives in Australia 1788-1850, Moses ‘became a publican again.’ 1831: Employment, William Frazier, South Esk. 1830s and 1840s: Moses worked as a shoemaker, dealer, hawker, and carrier in Launceston (Paterson and St John Streets) and is listed as a subscriber for the building of Trinity Church and land purchase and construction a Jewish Synagogue. December 1849: Moved to Melbourne, Victoria. April 1888: Widow Mary Ann Phillips died at 100 years of age at her son Solomon’s home in Prahran. |
Death | 7 December 1862, Chewton, Victoria, recorded as 79 years old |
References | |
John Levi, These are the Names: Jewish Lives in Australia 1788-1850, 2013. TAHO: CON31/1/34, CON23/1/3, RGD36/1/1 no644 Marriage 1823 [Mofie Phillips], RGD32/1/1 no1453 Birth 1823, CEN1/1/66 1843, CEN1/1/99 1848; RGD35/1/16 no872 Death [Rebecca Phillips], CEN1/1/99 1848; POL220/1/1 Departure 1850 [Mary Ann Phillips]. Web: Findmypast: Baldwin’s London Weekly Journal 12 August 1820; Ancestry: England & Wales Criminal Registers 1820; Convict Records Northern Tasmania 1828, 1830, 1831; Victoria Births Deaths Marriages, Registration No. 8251/1862; Founders & Survivors convict database. Hobart Town Courier 22 March 1828, 19 April 1839; Hobart Town Gazette 18 October 1828; Launceston Advertiser 29 March 1830, 22 December 1836; The Courier Hobart 14 April 1843; Cornwall Chronicle 9 June 1838, 13 October 1838, 7 October 1840, 3 July 1844; The Courier 3 November 1840, 14 April 1843; Launceston Courier 4 October 1841; The Examiner (Launceston) 19 December 1849; The Brittania & Trades’ Advocate 13 December 1849; The Melbourne Daily News 18 December 1849; The Argus 10 December 1862; Melbourne Age 10 April 1888.