Country Of Origin England
Born 1783
Died 1862
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1783, London, England
Parents Hart (jeweller) and Sarah Phillips
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
Corner Brisbane and Charles Streets, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse Wife in England.

16 July 1823, St David’s Church, Hobart, to Mary Ann Griffin (formerly Higgs).

Trial 3 August 1820, Surrey Summer Assizes
Sentence Death sentence commuted to transportation for life for housebreaking and burglary
Arrival 13 March 1821 on the convict ship, Medway (1)
Police Number 157
Ticket of Leave October 1828, Hobart Town District
Conditional Pardon 21 November 1836
December 1849: Conditional pardon extended with the condition of not returning to the country of conviction or the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Ireland during the remainder of the sentence.
Other Other occupations: baker, leather goods and shoe repairer, licensed hawker, carrier, and farrier.

Early 1828: Hobart baking and biscuit partnership with Joseph Withers dissolved.

18 October 1828: Recorded as residing in Launceston.

March 1830: Advertised commencing work as a watchmaker in Launceston with applications at Mr Henry Davis’s, publican, White Conduit House.
(Note: this is the only ad found for Moses Phillips as a watchmaker)
A convict muster in April 1830, places him in Oatlands.

According to John S Levi in These Are the Names, Jewish Lives in Australia 1788-1850, Moses ‘became a publican again.’

1831: Employment, William Frazier, South Esk.

1830s and 1840s: Moses worked as a shoemaker, dealer, hawker, and carrier in Launceston (Paterson and St John Streets) and is listed as a subscriber for the building of Trinity Church and land purchase and construction a Jewish Synagogue.

December 1849: Moved to Melbourne, Victoria.

April 1888: Widow Mary Ann Phillips died at 100 years of age at her son Solomon’s home in Prahran.

Death 7 December 1862, Chewton, Victoria, recorded as 79 years old
John Levi, These are the Names: Jewish Lives in Australia 1788-1850, 2013.
TAHO: CON31/1/34, CON23/1/3, RGD36/1/1 no644 Marriage 1823 [Mofie Phillips], RGD32/1/1 no1453 Birth 1823, CEN1/1/66 1843, CEN1/1/99 1848; RGD35/1/16 no872 Death [Rebecca Phillips], CEN1/1/99 1848; POL220/1/1 Departure 1850 [Mary Ann Phillips].
Web: Findmypast: Baldwin’s London Weekly Journal 12 August 1820; Ancestry: England & Wales Criminal Registers 1820; Convict Records Northern Tasmania 1828, 1830, 1831; Victoria Births Deaths Marriages, Registration No. 8251/1862;
Founders & Survivors convict database.
Hobart Town Courier 22 March 1828, 19 April 1839; Hobart Town Gazette 18 October 1828; Launceston Advertiser 29 March 1830, 22 December 1836; The Courier Hobart 14 April 1843; Cornwall Chronicle 9 June 1838, 13 October 1838, 7 October 1840, 3 July 1844; The Courier 3 November 1840, 14 April 1843; Launceston Courier 4 October 1841; The Examiner (Launceston) 19 December 1849; The Brittania & Trades’ Advocate 13 December 1849; The Melbourne Daily News 18 December 1849; The Argus 10 December 1862; Melbourne Age 10 April 1888.