MAYCOCK Colin Ashton

Name Colin Ashton MAYCOCK
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1916
Died 1991
Birth/ Baptism Born 27 February 1916, Hobart
Parents James Bingham (d. 1924) and Jean Maycock (formerly Bargh, d. 1919)
Apprenticeship Sargisons, later transferred to George W Norris
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
105 Liverpool Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 1 November 1941, St Andrew’s Church, Hobart, to Dorothy Hawkesford
Other 1928: Scholarship, Hobart Technical School.

Approx. 1931: Began training in the trade.
1938: Started his own business.

Enlisted in World War II (Royal Australian Air Force), served for four and a half years as a navigator.

Employer: After the war, Rundle’s Jewellers, Hobart.

1951: Attended the Horological Guild of Australia’s first federal conference in Melbourne.

1953: Tasmanian Watchmakers’ Wages Board representative.

1950s – 1960s: Member, Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Horological Guild of Australasia, Tasmanian Branch.

Other skills: Cycle racing, hockey, cricket, tennis, and cabinetmaking.

Death 6 March 1991
The Australian Watchmaker November 1953, December 1953, September 1962.
Web: Millingtons, CBC/1B 24672 James Bingham Maycock, November 1924 & Record C 23939 Colin Ashton Maycock March 1991; Ancestry: Australia World War II Military Service Record, 1939-1945.
The Mercury (Hobart) 18 March 1916, 3 September 1919 [Jean Maycock], 28 January 1922, 3 October 1939, 6 December 1941, 29 March 1947, 23 March 1954; The Examiner (Launceston) 20 January 1928; Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 20 December 1945, Advocate 14 February 1951; Daily Advertiser 12 February 1951; Advocate 26 May 1953.