Name Josiah MARRIOTT
Country Of Origin England
Born 1832
Died 1902
Birth/ Baptism Born 14 January 1832, Cambridge, England
Parents William (watchmaker) and Hannah Marriott
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Launceston, Burnie, Devonport
Street Address Brisbane Street, Launceston
Cattley Street, Burnie
Rooke Street, Devonport
Marriage/Spouse 1858, Victoria, to Lydia Neville
Arrival 1853: Emigrated to Australia
Other 1851 England Census: Recorded as a 19-year-old watchmaker with his father William (45-year-old watchmaker), and brother William (21-year-old engraver) at Northamptonshire.

Late 1850s to 1880s: Worked in his trade in Victoria. Ballarat (Foreman, Mr J T Sleep), Warrnambool, Melbourne (T Gaunt & Co)

1886: Commenced business in Burnie. Advertised he had been foreman to Martha Allen, Brisbane Street, Launceston, for two years.

1886–1887: Josiah’s son, Frank Marriott, a clock and watchmaker, was in business at Latrobe and Sheffield.

1888: Advertised the opening of a branch in Devonport under the management of Mr F Marriott, late of T. Gaunt’s, Melbourne.

1890: Advertised his watchmaking business next to the English Church, Emu Bay, Burnie.

April 1902: Following his death, Josiah’s watchmaker’s tools were advertised for sale at 96 St John Street, Launceston.

Death 15 January 1902, Burnie
Web: Ancestry: England & Wales Quaker Birth Register 1832; 1851 England Census; Victoria Australia Passenger Lists 1853; Tasmania Post Office Directory (Wise) 1890-1901.
Births Deaths & Marriages Victoria, Marriage Registration No. 4533/1858.
Argus 19 February 1873; Australasian 22 February 1873; Age 24 September 1880; Devon Herald 14 December 1886; North West Chronicle 22 July 1887; Daily Post 10 November 1888; Wellington Times & Agricultural & Mining Gazette 4 October 1890, 16 December 1893; Ballarat Star 22 January 1902; Daily Telegraph 16 January 1902, 11 April 1902; Argus 21 March 1903.