LYON Charles

Name Charles LYON
Country Of Origin England
Born 1816
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born 20 October 1816, Prescot, Lancashire, England
Parents William and Mary Lyon
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker, Chronometer Movement Maker
Work Locations No record found working in his trade in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
Marriage/Spouse Wife Jane Lyon and two children in England
Trial 15 August 1846 at Lancaster Assizes, Liverpool
Sentence Fourteen years transportation for shooting at John Wainwright with intent.
Arrival 17 February 1847 on the convict ship, Pestonjee Bomanjee
Police Number 19494
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave 7 October 1856
Conditional Pardon 1 December 1857
Other 1841 England Census: Recorded as a watchmaker, 25 years old, living with his family.

Probation period: Two years, Darlington, Maria Island.
Convict conduct record: Many charges recorded included disobedience of orders, idleness, absence without leave, playing cards in a public house, refusing to clean the water closets, and absconding several times. Punishments included extensions to existing sentences of hard labour and time in solitary confinement.

By 1845: At Port Arthur.
December 1857: In hospital

Death unknown
TAHO: CON33/1/84, CON18/1/48, CON14/1/37.
Web: Ancestry: Lancashire England Births & Baptisms 1816; 1841 England Census.
Cornwall Chronicle 21 March 1857.