LEY Henry Daniel

Name Henry Daniel LEY
Country Of Origin England
Born 1814
Died 1876
Birth/ Baptism Born 8 June 1814, Somersetshire, England.
Bapt. 24 July 1814, Parish Church of Walcot, Somerset, England
Parents Daniel and Elizabeth Ley
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Clockmaker, Watchmaker, Jeweller, Chronometer Maker
Work Locations Launceston, Hobart
Street Address
Charles Street, Launceston
62 Liverpool Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse Date unknown: England, to Harriet Ley (d. December 1842).

6 May 1844, Trinity Church, Launceston, to widow Bridget Ryley.

Arrival July 1838, New South Wales, on the ship Amelia Thompson, with his wife Harriet and son Daniel (two years old).
Other Employers, England: Cross’s, Charterhouse Square, London, and Benjamin Lantier, Bath.
Worked in Sydney and Melbourne before relocating to Tasmania.

Approx. 1841-1843: Employer, Alexandre Duchene, Charles St, Launceston.
May 1842: Watchmaker Joseph Doiron received a fine for assaulting Henry Ley.
May 1843: Discharged from insolvency.
August 1843: Following working for Duchene for nearly two years, Henry advertised his intention to commence business immediately.
June 1844: Announced the partnership between himself and Duchene dissolved and stated he was in business in Charles Street, continuing the same prices charged by his late partner Duchene. Henry also advised an arrangement with Mr Smith of the Longford Emporium to receive and forward orders entrusted to his care.

August 1844: Declared insolvent but still advertising in Charles Street in November 1844.
Approx. 1845 Employed convict watchmaker William Broom.

January 1845: Advertised arrangement with business owners to receive and forward orders to him: Mr Robinson of the Hope Inn, Mr Bland, storekeeper of Westbury and Deloraine, and Mr Butler of Young Queen, George Town.

By 1846: Advertised business at 62 Liverpool Street, Hobart, with added services of re-plating and gilding by the electromagnetic process.

Approx. 1847: Moved to Auckland, New Zealand.

Death 1876, California, United States
TAHO: RGD35/1/16 no739 Death 1842 [Harriet Ley], RGD37/1/3 no960 Marriage 1844, RGD32/1/3/ no2679 Birth 1845.
Web: Ancestry: Somerset, England, Church of England Baptism 1814; New South Wales Australia Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists 1838; California Voter Reg. 1866; United States, Find A Grave Index California 1876; Papers Past New Zealand: New Zealander 30 October 1847, 25 April 1849.
Port Phillip Gazette 26 October 1839; The Examiner (Launceston) 14 May 1842, 17 December 1842, 29 April 1843, 26 August 1843, 6 September 1843, 14 August 1844; Launceston Advertiser 18 May 1843, 29 November 1844, 6 June 1845; Cornwall Chronicle 26 June 1844, 4 January 1845; Colonial Times 23 October 1846.