LEE Thomas

Name Thomas LEE
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1838
Died 1884
Birth/ Baptism Born 26 December 1838, Hobart
Bapt. 20 January 1839, Hobart
Parents William and Ann Lee
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Clockmaker, Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Hobart, Launceston
Street Address
152 Liverpool Street, Hobart
123 Liverpool Street, Hobart
90 Elizabeth Street, Hobart
Charles Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 12 November 1864, Wellington Street, Launceston, to Eliza Carter, born Dore, (widow of Edward Carter)
Other Pre-1865: Employer, Thomas Hamilton, Hobart.

By 1865: Advertised at 152 Liverpool Street, Hobart.
Approx. 1866-1867: Advertised at 123 Liverpool Street, Hobart.
February 1869: Relocated business to 90 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.

January 1871: Six weeks gaol for theft of a watch entrusted to his care in Hobart.
May 1871: Fourteen days gaol with hard labour for illegally pawning a clock in Hobart.

By 1874: Resided in Elizabeth Street, Launceston.

Thomas and Eliza’s daughter Edith married George Churcher in Launceston in 1891. Their son Edgar Hope Churcher, born in 1893 in Launceston, became a well-known watchmaker and jeweller in Queenstown, Devonport, and Launceston.

Death 25 February 1884, Launceston Hospital
Cause of death: Phthisis (tuberculosis)

Funeral: 26 February 1884, left his late residence, Margaret Street, Launceston.

TAHO: RGD32/1/3 no9 Birth 1838, RGD37/1/23 no517 Marriage 1864, RGD35/1/53 no98 Death 1884, RGD37/1/50 no715 Marriage 1891 [Churcher-Lee], RGD33/1/75 no420 Birth 1893 [Edgar Hope Churcher].
Cornwall Chronicle 16 November 1864; The Mercury (Hobart) 21 March 1865, 23 January 1871; Tasmanian Morning Herald 7 September 1866; Tasmanian Punch 24 November 1866; Fun or Tasmanian Charivari 20 May 1867, Tasmanian Times 20 February 1869; The Tasmanian 28 January 1871, 6 May 1871; The Examiner (Launceston) 7 May 1874; Weekly Examiner 9 May 1874, Cornwall Advertiser 16 July 1875.