JONES William Lloyd

Name William Lloyd JONES
Country Of Origin England
Born 1806
Died 1873
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1806, London, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker, Engraver
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
Charles Street, Launceston
Elizabeth Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse According to William’s convict record, his wife Eliza Ann resided at Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. She joined him in Tasmania at some stage.
Eliza Ann Jones died on 15 June 1879 at the residence of Mrs Davis, St John Street, Launceston, aged about 73.
Trial 31 December 1839, Special Assizes Monmouthshire, Wales
Sentence Death sentence commuted to transportation for life for high treason; he was one of the leaders in The Newport Chartist Rising, Monmouthshire.
Arrival 30 June 1840 on the convict ship, Mandarin
Police Number 1189
Convict Assignment Alexandre Duchene, watchmaker, Launceston
Ticket of Leave January 1845
Conditional Pardon 23 November 1847
Other Pre 1839 trial: Watchmaker and publican, Pontypool, Wales.

1840-1843: Served part of his sentence at Port Arthur, described as quiet and intelligent on his conduct record.
1845: Recommended for a ticket of leave for meritorious conduct.
1845: Assigned to Alexandre Duchene, Launceston watchmaker, for 12 months.

22 December 1847: The Courier (Hobart) published a story from the Gloucester Journal in England regarding the Chartists, Jones, Frost, and Williams. ‘ … Jones is in partnership with a watchmaker Duchene, a Frenchman, at Launceston, far better off than he ever was in England. I saw him a few weeks since extravagantly dressed.’

1848: Insolvency.
1852: Opened the Rose and Crown Inn at Franklin Village, Launceston.
1855: Insolvency, licensed victualler, Franklin Village, Youngtown.

24 February 1857: Free Pardon.

May 1860: The Launceston Council received an account from W L Jones for maintaining the church clock, but by August 1860, James Parker was the successful tenderer for the town clock.

1862: Insolvent, licensed victualler, Franklin Village, Youngtown.

March 1863: Recommenced business as a watchmaker and jeweller in central Charles Street in the premises he formerly occupied with Alexandre Duchene.

November 1863: Relocated business from Charles Street to Elizabeth Street.

June 1868: Submitted a tender for £20 for winding and maintaining the town clock for 12 months plus £7 for immediate repairs.

Licensee: Rose and Crown Inn, Odd Fellows Hotel, Young Town Inn, Franklin Village, Launceston.

Death 26 December 1873, at his residence, St John Street, Launceston.
William died in great poverty after a long and painful illness.
Cause of death: Paralysis
Funeral: 29 December 1873, Launceston.
Douglas Wilkie, From the Edges of Empire: Convicts Women from beyond the British Isles, Convict Women’s Press, 2015, p181.
Brian Loomes, Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, Complete 21st Century Edition, 2006, p432.
TAHO: CON31/1/25, CON27/1/8, CON18/1/10, CON23/1/2, RGD35/1/42 no2241 Death 1873, RGD35/1/48 no571 [Eliza Ann JONES].
Web: Ancestry: England & Wales Criminal Registers, Monmouthshire, 1839.
Cornwall Chronicle 4 January 1845, 26 July 1845, 20 August 1845, 15 May 1852, 17 July 1852, 2 October 1852, 19 May 1855, 23 May 1860, 22 August 1860, 1 January 1862, 20 August 1862, 18 March 1863, 21 November 1863, 27 October 1866, 30 December 1873; Colonial Times 26 November 1847; The Examiner (Launceston) 30 October 1850, 31 March 1852, 8 September 1852, 23 June 1868, 16 June 1879; The Courier 13 May 1848.