Name Edward JOHNSON
Country Of Origin England
Born 1809
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1809, London, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
Elizabeth Street, Hobart
Trial 17 October 1833, Central Criminal Court, London
Sentence Seven years transportation for stealing 22 watches worth 50 pounds from his employer Phineas Nathan.
Arrival 13 February 1835 on the convict ship, Lady Kennaway (1)
Police Number 816
Convict Assignment Alexander Morrison, watchmaker, Hobart
William Cole, watchmaker, Hobart
Ticket of Leave 19 July 1844, cancelled 17 November 1846
Conditional Pardon
Other Assigned to Hobart watchmaker Alexander Morrison.

The Tasmanian 26 June 1835:
 ‘Edward Johnson, assigned to Mr Morrison, the watchmaker, was charged with being found working for another person in his master’s shop, and neglecting his duty, and being out after hours. It appears that Mr Duterreau, who is a neighbouring watchmaker of the complainant, had given the man a job. He had also admitted to Mr Morrison that the man had been at his house after nine o’clock at night. As nothing of a very flagrant nature appeared against the poor fellow, whose sin was, having done a job for a neighbouring tradesman,  he was admonished and discharged.’

9 February 1838: Death of employer Alexander Morrison. Edward carried on working for Alexander’s widow, Sarah Morrison.
July 1838: Embezzled 22 shillings from Sarah Morrison, sentenced to two years on the Spring Hill Road Party.

March 1842: Larceny charge, existing sentence extended two years.
October 1846: Employed by William Cole, Hobart watchmaker.
Edward illegally pawned watches assigned to him for repair and obtained watches from local watchmakers under false pretences. Existing sentence extended 18 months; half on probation, nine months at Port Arthur, and ticket of leave cancelled.

19 January 1849: Certificate of Freedom
28 November 1850: Sailed to Melbourne from Launceston on the ship Shamrock.

Death unknown
TAHO: CON31/1/26, CON18/1/10, CON23/1/2, AD960/1/1 Will 1838 Alexander Morrison, POL220/1/1 Departure 1850.
Web: Old Bailey Online, Reference No. t18331017-65, 17 October 1833.
The Tasmanian 3 July 1838, 24 July 1844; Colonial Times 3 July 1838; The Courier Hobart 8 March 1845, 31 October 1846; Cornwall Chronicle 21 November 1846, 27 January 1849.