ISSELL Harry Walter

Name Harry Walter ISSELL
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1862
Died 1924
Birth/ Baptism Born 13 January 1862, Prahran, Melbourne, Victoria
Parents Robert William Mitchelmore and Jane Augusta Issell (formerly Shaw)
Skills Clock and Watch Retailer
Work Locations Launceston, Hobart
Street Address
66-68 Charles Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 1886, Victoria, to Sarah Ann Rogers
Other Other skills: Importer, Conductor, Musician, Singer.

By late 1890s: Established business at 66-68 Charles Street, Launceston, traded as Henri Issell & Co.
August 1895: Advertised the arrival of 500 clocks.

The Examiner (Launceston) 14 January 1907:
‘Tenders are invited and will be received until 2 o’clock p.m. on 15th day of January for the purchase of the stock-in-trade (or any portion) of Henri Issell and Co., Importers, 66 and 68 Charles Street, Launceston, consisting of:- Watches and Jewellery; Horse, Van, and Harness; Men’s Clothing etc.; Musical Instruments and Sundries; Phonographs, Records, and Sundries; Sewing Machines; Clocks; Organ; Glass Show Cases. The above goods may be inspected at 112 Elizabeth Street, Launceston, when all particulars may be obtained.’

According to Graham Mulligan of Clockwise, the only ‘Henri Issell & Co’ clocks he has seen have been American Ansonia clocks.

Death 17 April 1924, Mornington, Victoria
Web: Victoria Births Deaths Marriages, Registration No’s 4492/1862, 6753/1924; Ancestry: Australia Birth & Baptism 1862, Australia Marriage Index 1886, Australia Death Index 1924.
The Mercury (Hobart) 18 October 1892, 26 April 1894; Daily Telegraph 14 August 1895, 7 September 1895, 14 April 1905; The Examiner (Launceston) 19 September 1896.