Name John HUGHES
Country Of Origin
Born unknown
Died unknown
Birth/ Baptism
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Hobart, Campbell Town, Oatlands
Street Address
High Street, Campbell Town
High Street, Oatlands
Marriage/Spouse 6 May 1857, Christ Church, Longford, to Elizabeth Johnston
Other Courier 26 March 1856:
The above sum will be given to any person or persons who can furnish proof that Elizabeth Hughes, wife of John Hughes, watchmaker, (late of Hobart Town) is still living. Her description is as follows:- Height about four feet four inches, features small, hair dark. Is supposed to have left Launceston upwards of four years ago, under the name of Miss Wardel. Any claiming the above reward will be required to furnish particulars, with the signature of a magistrate, or some other credible authority, addressed to John Hughes, watchmaker, High Street, Oatlands, Tasmania.
Oatlands, March 25th, 1856.’

1 October 1856: Thieves stole watches and jewellery from his shop at Campbell Town.

1860: Submitted an £18 tender for the Launceston Town Clock maintenance for 12 months, but was unsuccessful.

Death unknown
TAHO: RGD37/1/16 no737 Marriage 1857 [recorded as a widower].
Courier 26 March 1856, 8 October 1856; Cornwall Chronicle 22 August 1860.