GURNEY Ephraim Croft

Name Ephraim Croft GURNEY
Country Of Origin England
Born 1781
Died 1837
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1781, Gosmore, Hertfordshire, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Clockmaker, Watchmaker
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
Elizabeth Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse Wife and two children in England.
Trial 14 March 1829, Bedford Lent Assizes, Bedfordshire.
Held on the hulk Justitia at Woolwich before transportation.
Sentence Seven years transportation for stealing a watch.
Arrival 18 January 1830 on the convict ship, Bussorah Merchant
Police Number 629
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave
Conditional Pardon
Other March 1836: Certificate of Freedom

March 1837: Advertised finding a silver hunting watch, contact E C Gurney, watchmaker, Elizabeth Street.

Death 27 June 1837, Hobart, recorded as a 56-year-old watchmaker
TAHO: CON31/1/15, CON27/1/4, CON18/1/1, RGD34/1/1 no 4859 Death 1837.
Web: Bedfordshire Archives & Records Service, Bedford Gaol Register 1829,; Founders & Survivors convict database.
Launceston Advertiser 10 March 1836.