GOLDING William Alfred

Name William Alfred GOLDING
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1876
Died 1958
Birth/ Baptism Born 25 May 1876, 52 Murray Street, Hobart
Parents William Henry and Alice Sarah Golding (formerly Long)
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
Corner of Liverpool and Elizabeth Streets, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 1901, Tasmania, to Edith Amy Kerslake
Other 1903: William and his brother Arthur became partners in Goldings.

April 1911: William senior retired, and Arthur and William continued in partnership.

30 June 1918: Death of William Golding senior.

July 1918: Arthur and William dissolved their partnership, and Arthur continued as a sole trader.

Approx. 1930s: Moved to New South Wales.

Death 20 September 1958, New South Wales
Kenneth Cavill, Graham Cocks, Jack Grace, Australian Jewellers Gold and Silversmiths Makers and Marks, 1992, p104.
TAHO: RGD33/1/11 no2002 Birth 1876, NS36/1/1 Education 1886.
Web: Ancestry: Australia Marriage Index 1901; Sydney, Australia Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions, 1958.
The Mercury (Hobart) 26 May 1876, 29 April 1911, 16 July 1918, Advocate 1 September 1952, Daily Post 28 April 1911.