GOLDING Arthur John

Name Arthur John GOLDING
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1898
Died 1962
Birth/ Baptism Born 2 January 1898, Bathurst Street, Hobart
Parents Arthur Frank and Madeline Golding (formerly Ibbotson)
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
Corner of Liverpool and Elizabeth Streets, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 6 October 1926, St Andrew’s Church, Hobart, to Daphne Cooper
Other August 1931: One of the first directors of Golding and Son Proprietary Limited.

1940s: Appointed timekeeper for the Tasmanian Racing Club, a position held by the Golding family for several generations.

Death 23 July 1962, Hobart
Kenneth Cavill, Graham Cocks, Jack Grace, Australian Jewellers Gold and Silversmiths Makers and Marks, 1992, p104.
TAHO: RGD33/1/22 no356 Birth 1898; AD960/1/95 Will 1963.
The Mercury (Hobart) 18 March 1878, 1 July 1918, 16 July 1918, 9 November 1926, 11 August 1931, 18 January 1952; Daily Post 28 April 1911; Advocate 1 September 1952.