Name Joseph FREEMAN
Country Of Origin England
Born 1819
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1819, Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Parents Samuel (Watchmaker) and Mary Freeman
Apprenticeship Possibly with his father
Skills Watchmaker, Watch Finisher
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
Marriage/Spouse 23 February 1847, District of St Georges, Hobart, to Mary Diamond.
Trial 6 July 1840, Central Criminal Court, London.
Witnesses included his employer and watchmaker, Joseph Robinson, a watch escapement maker, and a watch finisher.
Sentence Ten years transportation for pickpocketing one handkerchief
Arrival 17 March 1841 on the convict ship, Lady Raffles
Police Number 1038
Convict Assignment 1843: William Cole, Liverpool Street, Hobart
1845: David Barclay, Hobart
Ticket of Leave 20 July 1847
Conditional Pardon August 1850
Other Other skills: Labourer.

21 October 1844, Hobart Supreme Court trial: Charged with stealing watches. John stated he received them for repair and was found not guilty.

1850: Certificate of Freedom

Death unknown
TAHO: CON33/1/6, CON33/1/6, CON27/1/8, CON18/1/26, CON14/1/8, RGD37/1/6 no754 Marriage 1847.
Web: Ancestry: Warwickshire, England Baptism 1817; Old Bailey, Reference t18400615-1747 & t-18400706-1828.
Hobart Town Advertiser 25 October 1844, 23 July 1847; Cornwall Chronicle 17 August 1850; Argus 16 November 1852.