Name Thomas CUMMINGS
Country Of Origin England
Born 1797
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Born 27 March 1797, Long Alley, Moorfields, London, England
Bapt. 17 May 1797, Long Alley, Moorfields, London, England
Parents James (cabinetmaker) and Elizabeth Cummings
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations No record found working in his trade in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
Street Address
Trial 15 September 1819 at Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey), London. Held on the hulk, Retribution at Sheerness before transportation.
Sentence Seven years transportation for theft of goods, including one silver watch, a walking stick, diver’s papers, and banknotes
Arrival 1 December 1820 on the convict ship, Maria (1)
Police Number 322
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave
Conditional Pardon
Other 1825: Additional seven-year sentence for stealing sheep.

20 May 1833: Certificate of Freedom

Death unknown
TAHO: CON31/1/6, CON23/1/1, CON13/1/2.
Web: Old Bailey Online, Ref. t18190915-80, 15 September 1819; Founders & Survivors convict database; Ancestry: England & Wales Non-Conformist & Non-Parochial Register 1797, Tasmania Convict Court & Selected Records 1833; London England Newgate Calendar of Prisoners 1819, United Kingdom Prison Commission Records 1819.
Hobart Town Gazette 4 February 1825; Hobart Town Courier 17 May 1833.