Name Henry BURGESS
Country Of Origin England
Born 1809
Died 1826
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1809, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watch hand maker
Street Address
No record found working in his trade in Tasmania
Trial 27 March 1824, Warwick Assizes
Sentence 14 years transportation for burglary,
Approx. 12 months on the hulk Justitia at Woolwich before transportation.
Arrival December 1825, Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) on the convict ship, Medway (2)
Police Number 872
Other Recorded as 15 years old on arrival
Death February 1826
Burial: 9 February 1826, Hobart Town
TAHO: CON31/1/1, CON23/1/1, CON13/1/1, RGD34/1/1 no1154 Burial 1826.
Web: Findmypast, Prison Ship (Hulk) Register 1824-1825.