BRUCE Charles

Name Charles BRUCE
Country Of Origin Scotland
Born 1806
Died 1851
Birth/Baptism Born approx. 1806, Edinburgh, Scotland
Parents William Bruce
Apprenticeship Mr Douglas, Scotland (engraver)
Skills Map and Copper Plate Engraver
Work Locations Launceston, Hobart
Street Address
George Street Launceston
28 Murray Street, Hobart
Argyle Street, Hobart
Liverpool Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 30 May 1831, Hobart, to Jane Robertson
Trial 9 November 1827, Edinburgh Court of Justiciary, Scotland
Sentence 14 years transportation for housebreaking,
Arrival 18 April 1829, Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) on the convict ship, Georgiana (1)
Police Number 1162
Convict Assignment Assigned to Dr James Ross, Editor, Hobart Town Courier
Ticket of Leave before September 1836
Conditional Pardon
Other Skills: Map and Copper Plate Engraver.

15 December 1841: Free Certificate.

1847: Charles advertised clock, watch and jewellery repairs in addition to his usual line of work, engraving and copper-plate printing.

Known employee: Thomas Robinson.

Death 1 November 1851, at his residence, Argyle Street, Hobart
TAHO: CON31/1/1, CON27/1/4, CON18/1/8, RGD36/1/2 no1585 Marriage 1831, RGD35/1/3 no1047 Death 1851.
Web: Design and Art Australia Online,; Founders and Survivors convict database.
Cornwall Chronicle 25 November 1837, The Courier Hobart 27 October 1840, 12 August 1842; Colonial Times 24 July 1844, 20 July 1847; Tasmanian Colonist 3 November 1851; The Examiner (Launceston) 5 November 1851.