Name Thomas BOOTHMAN
Country Of Origin England
Born 1820
Died 1885
Birth/ Baptism Born approx. 1820, England
Parents unknown
Apprenticeship unknown
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Launceston, Hobart
Street Address
Arrival unknown
Other Also known as Clockey and Thomas Booth.

1870s: Launceston.
April 1880: Thomas gave evidence in court regarding a customer’s watch stolen from his pocket. It had been requested he wear it for a time, possibly to check how it was functioning. The evidence was insufficient to make a conviction.

Late 1880s: Hobart.

Death 4 March 1885, Dunn Street, Hobart
Cause of death: suffocation caused by vapour and exhaustion of air in a house fire.

Burial: 7 March 1885, Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, recorded as a 65-year-old pauper.

TAHO: SC195/1/64/8930, POL709/1/29, RGD35/1/10 no2271 Death 1885, AF35/1/1, AF70/1/11 (BU52114).
Web: Millingtons Record No. 1B 5214, 1885.
The Examiner (Launceston) 28 April 1880; The Tasmanian 7 March 1885.