BEAUMONT William Hales

Name William Hales BEAUMONT
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1875
Died 1949
Birth/ Baptism Born 24 June 1875, Launceston, Tasmania
Parents Joshua and Emma Louisa Beaumont (formerly Wathen),
Emma was the half-sister of watchmakers Harry and Francis Wathen.
Apprenticeship Possibly with William Gardiner
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller, Optician
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
74 Brisbane Street, Launceston
45 George Street, Launceston
36a Brisbane Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 23 October 1906, Launceston, to Kate Maud Jarman
(d. 12 February 1922).

After 1925: married Amelia Caroline Johnston, business owner and costumiere.

Other From approx. early 1890s: Employer, William Gardiner, Launceston.

By 1911: Manager for W. Gardiner.

Own business: 36a Brisbane Street, Launceston (opposite City Motors).

The Examiner (Launceston) 3 July 1940:
‘Watch, Clock Repair Specialist,
W H Beaumont, 36a Brisbane St.’

September 1949: W H Beaumont purchased 43 George Street for £2200. Amelia Beaumont retained ownership of the property until her death in March 1976.

Death 6 November, 1949 at his home, 8 Lyttleton Street, Launceston
TAHO: RGD33/1/53 no2101 Birth 1875; File No. 827, Name Indexes 1939076 Marriage 1906; AD960/1/155 Will No. 61457 1976.
The Examiner (Launceston) 23 November 1904, 13 February 1922, 2 November 1933, 1 June 1940, 24 October 1940, 6 September 1949, 7 November 1949, 28 December 1949; Daily Telegraph 14 February 1911; The Advocate 2 April 1921, 8 November 1949; The Mercury (Hobart) 17 August 1934.