BEARUP Harry Frank

Name Harry Frank BEARUP
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1925
Died 2012
Birth/ Baptism Born 6 April 1925, Nurse Bushby’s, Caithness, Church Street, Launceston, Tasmania
Parents Frank William and Vera Bearup (formerly Bartle)
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father, Frank Bearup
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
145 Charles Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 8 March 1947, Paterson Street Methodist Church, Launceston, to Jean Waters
Other 1940s: F W Bearup and Son: Harry and his father, Frank Bearup.

After his father’s death, Harry partnered with his mother Vera in the business and later operated as a sole trader before closing in the 1960s.

Death 17 January 2012, Launceston, Tasmania
Web: Ancestry: Australia World War II Military Service Records 1939-1948, Service No. 428216; Australia Electoral Roll 1949; City of Launceston, Carr Villa Cemetery 2012.
Daily Telegraph 8 April 1925; The Advocate 19 August 1948; The Examiner (Launceston) 10 March 1947, 19 August 1948; The Mercury (Hobart) 2 October 1954.