Name William BASFORD
Country Of Origin England
Born Approx. mid 1790s
Died unknown
Birth/Baptism Bapt. 3 May 1796, Shropshire, England, with four siblings.
Parents Daniel (clockmaker) and Jane Basford
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father, Daniel Basford
Skills Clockmaker, Watchmaker
Work Locations No record found working in his trade in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
Marriage/Spouse 12 December 1816, Shropshire, to Rebecca Rowe
Trial 15 October 1822, Chester, Cheshire, England
Sentence Seven years transportation for stealing a watch
Arrival October 1823, Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) on the convict ship, Albion
Police Number 652
Convict Assignment
Ticket of Leave July 1828, Campbell Town
Conditional Pardon January 1830
Other Wife and three children in England.

6 January 1830: Free Certificate

Death unknown
Brian Loomes, Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, Complete 21st Century Edition, 2006, p48 [Daniel Basford].
TAHO: CON31/1/1, CON23/1/1, CON13/1/2, RGD35/1/50 no442 Death 1881.
Web: FindMyPast: England Births & Baptisms, Shropshire Archives 1796. Ancestry: Select Marriages 1816.
Hobart Town Courier 26 July 1828; The Hobart Town Gazette 9 January 1830; The Tasmanian 22 November 1833.