BAIN Elijah Matthias

Name Elijah Matthias BAIN
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1859
Died 1947
Birth/ Baptism Born 9 September 1859, Hobart
Parents Colin and Mary Bain (formerly Robe)
Apprenticeship Most likely with his father, Colin Bain
Skills Watchmaker
Work Locations Hobart, Bruny Island
Street Address
81 Elizabeth Street, Hobart
2 Murray Street, Hobart
57 Elizabeth Street, Hobart
88 Elizabeth Street,Hobart
North Bruny Island
Marriage/Spouse 9 November 1881, St Davids Cathedral, Hobart, to Sarah Ann Wood.

1910, Tasmania, to Lucy Lumsden.

Other Approx. 1883-1884: 81 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.

Tasmanian News 17 November 1885:
E M Bain is prepared to receive 1000 clocks for repair, also watches. All work guaranteed and done on the shortest notice, at the most reasonable prices.
Note the address – No 2 Murray Street, Hobart.’

February 1886: Moved from 2 Murray Street to 57 Elizabeth Street, Hobart, opposite the new bank.

August 1895: Advised customers that all work left over 12 months must be collected and all accounts paid before the end of August.

May 1901: Moved from 57 Elizabeth Street to 88 Elizabeth Street.

May 1908: Retired from the clock and watchmaking business.

Other skills: Farmer

Death 27 November 1947, Hobart, Tasmania
Tasmania Post Office Directory 1890-1894, 1901.
TAHO: RGD33/1/7 no2837 Birth 1859; RGD37/1/40 no850 Marriage 1881. Web: Ancestry: Australia City Directories 1890, 1912.
Tasmanian News 26 March 1885, 19 November 1885, 26 March 1891, 5 August 1895; The Mercury (Hobart) 15 August 1883, 1 April 1884, 27 February 1886, 20 May 1901, 23 May 1908, 13 February 1912, 27 January 1948.