ABBOTT Percival Charles

Name Percival Charles ABBOTT
Country Of Origin Australia
Born 1868
Died 1937
Birth/ Baptism Born 14 February 1868, Hobart
Parents Charles and Jane Abbott (formerly Dobbie)
Apprenticeship Most likely in the family business
Skills Watchmaker, Jeweller
Work Locations Hobart
Street Address
74 Murray Street, Hobart
82 Murray Street, Hobart
Marriage/Spouse 25 November 1890, Memorial Congregational Church, Hobart, to Annie Maud Roberts.
Other Following the death of his father in 1888, the business was sold to Percival and Edwin Ernest Sargeant, and continued as Abbott and Sargeant, 74 Murray Street, Hobart.

1 April 1893: Dissolution of partnership by mutual consent.

Tasmanian News 29 April 1893:
‘Jewellery. Mr P C Abbott having taken over the business of Messrs Abbott and Sargeant notifies that for one month he will allow a discount of 4s in the £1 on all cash purchases of watches, jewellery, plates, clocks, etc.’

1911: Relocated to 82 Murray Street, Hobart.

The Mercury (Hobart) 19 August 1913:
‘The business lately carried on by P C Abbott, watchmaker and jeweller, has been purchased by Edward Leeson, late of Taranna. The business will be carried on by E Leeson, trading as P C Abbott, and all accounts owing to P C Abbott must be paid to the new firm. Dated Aug. 15, 1913. P C Abbott. E Leeson.’

Later years: Worked as a mercantile broker.

Death 12 January 1937, 98 King Street, Sandy Bay, Hobart
TAHO: RGD33/1/9 no9868 Birth 1868; RGD37/1/49 no804 Marriage 1890.
The Mercury (Hobart) 21 February 1889, 3 April 1893, 12 September 1903, 16 January 1937; Tasmanian News 1 April 1893, 29 April 1893.