Name Hannah ABBOTT
Country Of Origin England
Born 1842
Died 1923
Birth/ Baptism Born approx. 1842, Essex, England
Parents John and Elizabeth Marshall
Skills Business Owner
Work Locations Launceston
Street Address
79 Brisbane Street, Launceston
Marriage/Spouse 1 July 1863 at the residence of Mr. Marshall, Launceston, to William Abbott.
Arrival 31 March 1855 on the ship Whirlwind
Other 15 July 1887: Death of husband, William Abbott, Brisbane Street, Launceston.

Daily Telegraph 10 August 1887:
‘Notice to the Public. Mrs H Abbott (Widow of the late William Abbott),
Begs to thank her friends and the public generally for the liberal support bestowed upon her late husband during the 30 years he conducted the watchmaking and jewellery business and to inform them that she intends (in conjunction with her son) to carry on the same and solicits a continuance of past favors. All orders entrusted to them will receive personal attention, and every effort shall be made to ensure despatch.’

See Arthur Abbott

Advertised as practical watchmakers, jewellers, and opticians.

Death 11 August 1923, 10 Lord Street, Launceston
Tasmania Post Office Directory (Wise) 1890-1894.
TAHO: CB7/12/1/4 Bk12 1855; RGD37/1/22 no498 Marriage 1863
Web: Ancestry: 1851 England Census.
The Examiner (Launceston) 13 August 1923.